Language is IO’s basis: Shared language is a fundamental key of inclusive organizing. While humans (and other animals) can have many inclusive nonverbal activities, shared language is necessary for coordinating complex interactions, especially in large projects and communities.
Language is open tech: While secret languages are possible, and secret codes are common, any language which we know and share is open technology. Language is more broadly accessible than other technologies which are based on language. Outside of harshly repressive regimes, people can use it or adapt each language for their own use-cases.
We can explore many of our boundless intellectual and emotional capacities, in depth, through oral language and conversation. Written language, although it has many limitations, helps to coordinate and scale activities massively across vast distances, times, and numbers of participants.
Developmental Goals:
Foundations of Fractal Organizing can be technically integrated into the relationship between Modular Organizing Terminology and the (or future, decentralized versions of the IO Directory), while retaining a view of Foundations’ descriptive conceptual flow. This requires some hours of data migration, typification and interoperable linkage.

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