Foundations of Modular Organizing
Foundations of Modular Organizing, or Foundations, is a general introduction to creating boundlessly scalable, interoperable data structures with a small set of definitions and labels.
40 pages
Scheduling and Calendars
Software Classification: Feature, Functions and Additional Traits
Foundations: Supplementary Materials
Modular Organizing Terminology
Modular Organizing Terminology (MOT) is a English and which can be or for many , and and . 745 files
Inclusive Action Framework
Inclusive Action Recipe (IAR) is a general framework for developing inclusive activities, including any possible combinations of ungoverned and governed activities. IAR is based on three interlocked cycles of Personal Sensemaking, The Creative Spiral and The Support Spiral.
19 pages
Inclusive Event Framework
Inclusive Event Framework (IEF) is a design framework for hosting and facilitating any type of event which intentionally includes many co-creative peers in the event design process. IEF is especially intended for events, including long coworking sessions and , which are designed by their participants. 29 pages
Modular Organizing Recipe
The purpose of Modular Organizing is to facilitate inclusive collaborative development of -- and the links between them-- using natural language and simple, generic tools and techniques, thereby helping people to inclusively develop projects and organizations at all scales of size and complexity. 10 pages
Proposal Formatting
Project Formatting
Basic RDF Formatting
Role Formatting
Modular Organizing Diagram
Task Tracking Recipe
Issues Log Recipe
Inclusive Cultural Covenant
Inclusive Cultural Covenant (ICC) is an open source policy for cultivating teams and communities which are inclusive, healthy and resilient. This type of policy is often called a code of conduct or a community agreement. ICC is a “tech-agnostic” policy for online and offline communities.
18 pages
Inclusive Governance Framework
Inclusive Governance Framework (IGF) is a design framework for developing a governance system which is based on inclusively distributing decision-making authority to increasing numbers of participants according to explicit criteria.
27 pages
Collective Media Framework
Collective Media Framework (CMF) is a design framework for inclusively developing inclusive and scalable systems for communications and media management. CMF is especially focused on expansive digital networking, although many of its principles and patterns are applicable to handwritten and oral practices.
49 pages
Internet and Data Extended Security Guide
Intermedia Markup Language
Intermedia Markup Language (InML) is a markup language for developing socially important, interoperable semantic links and metadata (including resource description frameworks) regarding specific media items, as well as well-defined selections within those items. This type of markup language can facilitate the development, stewardship and curation of richly informative media networks, directories, repositories and wikis, in both governed and ungoverned networking contexts, thereby greatly enhancing the interoperability and navigability of related data. It can provide root grammars, or pattern languages, for developing highly distributive and modularized digital networking, including technical integrations between different networking systems and tech stacks
22 pages
Intermedia Description Framework
Intermedia Resource Description Framework (IRDF) is meant to facilitate theinclusively decentralized, distributed and cosmolocalized packaging of discrete digital mediaresources, includinglinked data structures andpersistentmediachannels. By extension, IRDF supports the governance and sharing of allof the resources which we represent digitally. 5 pages
Transforming Tension and Conflict
Transforming Tension and Conflict is a general recipe for transforming tensions and resolving conflicts, with an emphasis on transformative and restorative justice.
8 pages
Asynchronous Decision Protocol
Asynchronous Decision Policy (ADP) is a simple default standard operating procedure for consistently making consent-based decisions. Within the context of Inclusive Governance Framework, ADP is especially relevant to General Decisions.
6 pages
Subsidiary Decision Protocol
Subsidiary Decision Flowchart is a decision-making tool for individuals, teams and collectives, meant to help people distinguish as quickly & easily as possible between Minor Decisions, Standard Decisions, and Unapproved/Emergency Decisions. This model particularly serves . 6 pages
Developmental Staging Recipe
Developmental Staging Recipe is a design framework for developing personal or subgroup concepts and proposals within the context (and community) of an established project. This document supports and related documents which generate official resource description frameworks for . 7 pages
Developing Specialized Roles and Positions
Developing Specialized Roles and Positions is a design framework which suggests a set of activities and standards for inclusively and equitably developing specialized roles in teams, collectives and shared activities.
11 pages
'Covalence' is an extension of the concept by the pioneering psychologist J.L. Moreno. The Diamond of Opposites allows subjects to self-assess simultaneous attraction and repulsion towards complex ideas or items. Simultaneous presence or absence of attraction and repulsion can result in the emergence of strongly contradictory or indifferent feelings, as well as finely graded variations of our typical 'yes/no' appraisals. 7 pages
Semantic Co-Rating
Semantic co-rating is a keystone feature of Intermedia Markup Language.
7 pages
Developing Goals
Developing Goals has been written to be useful for all types of creative processes. It also serves as a primary support document for and . 9 pages
Advice Protocol
Per , please use this Advice Protocol for non- which are within the Scope of your Positions, anytime we do not need Immediate Action. 4 pages
Assessing Costs and Risks
Assessing Costs and Risks is a general recipe for assessing the costs and risks of actions and potential actions.
4 pages
Consent-Based Governance: Principles and Practices
Consent-Based Governance (CBG) is a set of principles and patterns for developing purely consent-based governance of shared resources, including whichever written agreements we need in our team projects and organizations. CBG is a modern extension of anarchism theory, meant to scale practically for large projects and digital networks.
28 pages
Text Formatting Framework
Text Formatting Framework (TFF) is a protocol for titling and formatting all types of media items and collections
22 pages
Proposal Formatting
Proposal Formatting is a data format in Modular Organizing Recipe.
10 pages
Modular Organizing Recipe
Project Formatting
Project Formatting is a data format in Modular Organizing Recipe.
9 pages
Modular Organizing Recipe
Basic RDF Formatting
Basic RDF Formatting is a data format in Modular Organizing Recipe
6 pages
Modular Organizing Recipe
Role Formatting
Role Formatting is a data format in Modular Organizing Recipe, as well as a supplement to Developing Specialized Roles and Positions.
13 pages
Modular Organizing Recipe
Modular Organizing Diagram
visual map of the components of Modular Organizing Recipe
cloud document
1 image
Modular Organizing Recipe
Scheduling and Calendars
reference/ontology of scheduling and calendars
3 pages
Inclusive Event Framework
Foundations of Modular Organizing
Software Classification: Feature, Functions and Additional Traits
reference/ontology of software
6 pages
Foundations of Modular Organizing
Internet and Data Extended Security Guide
Greg Cassel
Holochain Foundation
General recipe for internet and data security
11 pages
Collective Media Framework
Inclusive Governance Principles
Philosophy of inclusive governance, with a practical checklist
12 pages
Open Ongoing Crowdfunding
Open ongoing crowdfunding is a synthesis of uncommon existing practices, aimed to foster a sustainably scaling future for the wild world of crowdfunding.
5 pages
Task Tracking Recipe
general recipe for tracking tasks
3 pages
Modular Organizing Recipe
Issues Log Recipe
general recipe for tracking issues related to projects and products
2 pages
Modular Organizing Recipe
Consensus Calculus
consensus/ valence rating tool
6 pages
Inclusive Organizing Guide
(deprecated) general introduction and description of Inclusive Organizing; gradually being deprecated via integration into
16 pages
Inclusive Organizing Council
Right-Sized Relationships
Introduction to General Relationships as ontological primitives; this is the first of potentially many well-defined ontology supplements to “Foundations”
5 pages
Foundations: Supplementary Materials
Notes and appendices for Foundations of Fractal Organizing
25 pages
Foundations of Modular Organizing
The REA Accounting Model as an Accounting and Economic Ontology (Version 0.90 -- 2019)
A detailed modern monograph of the REA accounting model
144 pages
Inclusive Organizing: Open Protocols & Cosmolocal Collaboration
Video presentation and Q&A for Inclusive Organizing
No Rogan on a Dead Planet